Nurse's Office
Nurse - Sarah Kennedy
Health Notes
Some illnesses or conditions require that a student be excluded from school until symptom free. Students with any of the following symptoms must be excluded from school:
1. Temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Temperature must be below 100 degrees for 24 hours without fever reducing medicines for readmission to school.
2. Undetermined rash over any part of the body.
3. Pain and/or swelling at angle of jaw.
4. Scaly patches on scalp, which might indicate ringworm.
5. Nausea and vomiting, or diarrhea.
6. Red, draining eyes with pus formation and crust.
7. Intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection (redness, swelling, drainage).
8. Open draining lesions.
9. Signs of jaundice (yellow skin color).
10. Delinquent immunization status.
A student's parent or guardian will be notified that the student is to be excluded for health reasons. It shall be the responsibility of the parent or guardian to transport the student from school to his home. A student shall be readmitted to school when he/she meets the standards set forth by the Texas State Health Department for contagious disease control or presents a physician's statement that he is not contagious.
The school nurse will administer medications on campus. All medications must be kept in the nurse’s clinic. Parent should bring all medications to clinic in person.
Prescription medication will be administered to a student if:
1. The medication is provided by the Parent or guardian.
2. The medication is in a prescription bottle from a pharmacy and includes the student’s name, physician and explicit instructions for administration.
3. The parent completes a Wylie medication administration form. Form to be signed by physician. Form can be found on district website.
Over the counter medication will be administered to a student if:
1. The medication is listed in the “Physicians’ Desk Reference” or other lawful formulary.
2. The medication is in the manufacturer’s packaging.
3. The parent completes a Wylie medication administration form. Form can be found on district website.
4. The medication is given for less than 5 days. After that, a request from the student’s physician will be required.